Here's the receipt (4 persons): 500g spagehtti or whatever noodles you like (take deCecco, thei're the best), 350g really fresh and tasty tomatos, some fresh basil (basilikum), 3 (or as much as you can handle..) garlics (Knoblauch), 80g almonds (Mandeln) without shell, some of the best olive oil you can get (2 big spoons) plus black pepper.
Heat up water and start preparing the sauce: cut tomatos small, (keep some aside to add later), put garlic and almonds in a mixer, mix, then add tomtatos and basil and oil and pepper and mix some more. for my part I would leave some almonds and tomatos aside, cut them only with a knive, and afterwards add it again to the mixed part, so that you have some bigger chunks in the sauce as well. so much for the sauce - wait for the noodles to be ready and then mix it with the sauce and serve. delicious.
more receipts in :

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