Ok, trick question - it's the EU itself. For german speakers: go check out the current Spiegel Online article by Daniel Hannan here . For english speakers check out his webpage , click on "news" , then "Daniel Hannan's articles" and then go to the article Another year, another EU fraud - 16 November 2005 .
Highlights include:
Many British people believe that the problem is cultural: Denis Healey once spoke of "an olive belt" that divides prim Northern Europeans from naughty Mediterraneans. His Lordship would doubtless enjoy the case cited in the current report of a Greek shepherd who, in 2002, registered a herd of 470 sheep. That year, apparently, 70 of his animals were taken by wolves. The next year, 192 of them were carried away. The year after, 239. Yet, last year, he still had 470 sheep and, according to the auditors "no evidence could be produced by the farmer to justify how he restocked his herd".
But here's the thing: the same kind of ruse is identified in
While reading I was unsure if I should laugh out loud or start crying and cross the boarder to Switzerland and never return.
Daniel Hannan also has a blog .
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