Ok, posts were not very frequent the last days. So here’s some update.
The (long) weekend from Friday to Sunday was really sweat. On Friday, I picked up Charles in Bern and we drove together to the Schilthorn next to Grindelwald. Weather was excellent and so was the snow. Below some pictures of Charles rocking it on Wassenegg.

Then, Saturday and Sunday it was of course time for Mission Freeride, the 5th time this really cool event took place. Make sure to check the homepage, there's also the feature that was broadcasted on swiss TV on the event on the front page.
You can also find some detailed comments in german from me in the board of backcountry.ch here.
So here a short summary:
Saturday started of cloudy, looking out of the window at 7am I decided to roll around once more instead of going straight to the breakfast. (tipp if you want to stay in Mürren: Sportchalet, 50CHF per night incl. breakfast and free entrance to the public pool at the Sportzentrum). But already at 8am, the situation had changed completely: blue skies and around 30cm of powder from the night. Doesn’t get any better.
But still the problem of clouds coming in remained over the day so starting the contest was kind of a problem. To everyone’s disappointment the contest was also placed again in the “Wilde Wand” and not in the north-face below Schilthorn. Therefore the whole contest was kind of bushwhacking and trying to figure out a line between the obstacles. Well, still it was fun. Don’t know how I did, results are not. I’ll let you know as soon as they are published.

the comfortable "Turnhalle" Mürren, Saturday night.
The evening in the rotating restaurant on the Schilthorn at 2970m was as always straight fantastic. Perfect pasta and salads surrounded by perfect sunset. Unbelievable.

View from Schilthorn at around 6:30pm...
Next day: as on Friday rocking the Wassenegg part of Schilthorn, here is a
pic of some of our lines, the camera broke during the action shots..

You see the nice, almost straigt line in the only sunny part in the left-hand part of the picture? well, that was my last line of the afternoon, golden powder.