What do the following men have in common?

Alrigth, it wasn't that hard, they all live in parallel universes, where reasoning and logic takes its time to arrive, in fact may never match their private ideas of the world:
(1) Jan Ulrich: Thinks as long as you don't grow yourself a third leg, it can't be doping..
(2) Mahmud Ahmadinedschad: As long as he doesnt get an interview with a jew that was killed himself by the Nazis, he won't admit that the the killing of jews took place in the second world war.
(3) Christian Klar: it's almost too weird to replicate, but let's say he wants to be amnestied for the stuff he believed and did together with his other RAF buddies because he changed his mindset. But wait, what about those articles he published recently where he talks about evil capitalism and freeing folks so they can enjoy happyness in socialism??
At this point it makes sense to cite the man himself, Winston Churchill:
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.
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